Hello 2019!

New Year, new me, or so the stereotype goes. But this year, I am determined to make that happen. The
past few of years have been rough to say the least, but this year is already shaping up to be an absolute


So a little bit about me. My name is Gemma Sanders, I’m 23 and currently studying a part-time Master’s
degree in Victorian theatre at the University of Birmingham. I love the theatre world, and am constantly
looking for new ways to immerse myself in it.

So why start a blog? The short answer is why not? As a drama a student I have a very creative brain,
and as a result of completing many, many essays over the years, actually thoroughly enjoy the process
of writing (especially about things that are unrelated to my university work). I also like to push myself
to partake in my writing, and a blog is great place to start with that.


Ok, so why now? So, I began a blog about 2 years ago whilst in my final year of my undergraduate
degree which was probably not the best thing to do, and was unable to continue on after a few months
due to time restraints. But now, being that little bit older, and having that little bit of extra time on my
hand, I feel that I have more time to focus on what makes me happy.

So, what can expect from this blog? Well, the majority of the posts are going to be about my life, such
as trips, a day in my life, mental health, etc. Yet once a month I am also planning on doing a weight
loss update, because, as well as this blog, one of my main goals for this year is to get down to a
healthier weight than I am currently at. I shall be posting every Friday, so stay tuned.


Until then, bye.
